Supervision and mentor coaching
“Supervision with you has time and again allowed me to find my feet and my clarity.”
Supervision client, Germany
Who you are is how you coach
Relationship is key to the coaching success
The skilled use of competencies and the robustness of ourselves as individual coaches support the creation of better coaching relationships through the partnership we create.
I offer mentor coaching for any coach wanting to sharpen their coaching skills, as well those applying for their ACC and PCC credentials.
As a qualified supervisor I work with coaches providing them with guidance, feedback and support so they are resourced and robust as they work with their clients.
I work with individual coaches and with in-house cohorts of coaches to support them in providing the highest and most ethical coaching to their clients and through them, to support their organisational contexts.
Read my blog article Mentor coaching or supervision?
“ Your coaching allows me to show up as a professional with my clients. In chaotic times the conversations with you have helped me sorting out, what is my own share in the chaos and what might be systemic – giving me new insights also into my clients’ processes and struggles and allowing me to accompany them with greater clarity and confidence.
I experience you as determined and committed to me as a client, my clients and the ethics of the coaching discipline.
Also, I love that we can laugh together without losing the sincerity of the moment.”
Internal coach in the music industry, Berlin
“ I’m immensely grateful for Harriet’s style of mentor coaching. I gained invaluable insights, confidence and clarity as I worked towards my ICF accreditation. She isn't just a coach; she’s a beacon of guidance that leads you to your best self.’’
Tax lead consulting Middle East and North Africa EY